Thursday, January 21, 2016

Eddie Aikau Documentary

     The filmmakers named this documentary Hawaiian, The Legend of Eddie Aikau because they wanted him to be recognized as a Hawaiian because a big part of his story was his Hawaiian heritage and culture and how it shaped him. The topic or subject of this film was Eddie Aikau, the focus of this film was the Hawaiian identity and surfing career of Eddie Aikau, and the angle or argument that the film was trying to get across was that Eddie Aikau was the kind of man who believed in keeping Hawaiian culture alive and also believed in protecting the lives around him before protecting his own. I also believe that the film was mainly trying to get across that Eddie Aikau was a man of great honor. Because this film was made as part of ESPN's programming, i think that they filmmakers tried to really put emphasis on the popular Hawaiian sport. This is why they had a lot of facts about the surfing competitions and tied it into how they effected Eddie. If this film was made on a more history based program, I feel that the filmmakers would have put more of a emphasis on Hawaiian culture as a whole rather than just surfing competitions.

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